Christian Ertl
Areas of specialisation

Process management (e-procurement)
SaaS projects
Digitalisation in purchasing


Producing companies

As a consultant

Has been with AXXCON since 2021. Previously worked in the IT industry and was responsible for various digitalisation projects in purchasing, for example in Sweden, Germany and Israel. During his studies, he accompanied companies such as TRUMPF GmbH + Co KG, Porsche Consulting GmbH or Witzenmann GmbH.


and as a person

Communicative and reliable amateur cook with a keen interest in world affairs. Enjoys free time with family or friends and also keeps his balance on the ski slope.

Christian, what is special about your job as a consultant?

After successfully completing a project, looking back on the tackled questions and challenges makes me not just proud, but also curious for what’s next.

Previous positions

Senior Consultant, Synertrade SES AG, Munich
Internship Purchasing, Porsche Consulting
Student trainee, Technical Sales, Witzenmann GmbH
Internship/Work-study activity/Bachelor's thesis Purchasing, TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG

M. A. SME management, Aalen University of Applied Sciences
B. A. Management and Procurement, Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences