Vivian Bennauer
Marketing Manager
Areas of specialisation

Social Media Marketing
Employer Branding

In her job

She started at AXXCON in 2015 as a student during her bachelor studies and was passionate about building up the marketing department. With her degree it was clear to her that she would like to take on this job full-time and further develop the topic of marketing at AXXCON.

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and as a person

Whether as a coach, referee or club president - trampolining is her great passion and offers the necessary balance to everyday life. In winter she usually goes skiing in the Austrian Lungau region and in summer to Florida.

What do you like about your job at AXXCON, Vivian?

I can always make a strong contribution with my own ideas and give my best. Exciting challenges determine my everyday life.

Previous positions

Marketing Manager, AXXCON
Marketing Support Manager, AXXCON
Working student Marketing, AXXCON

Master of Science in Business Administration at the Justus-Liebig-University in Giessen
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Economics at the Goethe University in Frankfurt a. M.