We are one of the Best Consultants in Germany for the ninth time in a row!
We say thank you for appreciating our work! Being once again among the best consulting companies in Germany is something we cannot take for granted. On the one hand, we would like to thank our clients for their trust and appreciation of our work. But of course it would not be possible without our entire AXXCON team. They are all responsible for the quality of our consulting services, which we provide every day. The award is again an incentive to go the extra mile for our clients.
Expert ratings and recommendations from customers are the basis of the annual survey by Statista. The result is a detailed industry report. It’s interesting for clients on the one hand, but for consulting companies as well.
We are delighted to have been named “Best Consultants 2023” in the following four categories: Represented in the Energy & Environment and Insurance sectors. In addition, we were selected in the consulting fields Change Management and IT Strategy. Click here for this years ranking: We achieved very good rankings in the fields of Energy & Environment and Change Management with 6th place in each case, putting us on a level with management consultancies such as McKinsey & Company and Accenture. Click here for this year’s ranking.
You can find more details about the Best Consultants ranking in the current issue of “brand Eins” magazine (March 10, 2023) or online at: https://kiosk.brandeins.de/products/brandeins-thema-unternehmensberater-2023.