
Progress in construction chemistry – Digitalisation thought through from the beginning

In this extensive project for the sustainable development of an innovative digital organisation, AXXCON supported a construction chemicals company that was positioning itself as a market leader in its niche and consequently also wanted to develop digitally in its other business areas. The aim was to set up a digital division that would develop and manage existing processes, areas, services and offers in a customer-centred way with digital support.

Initial situation

The technologies for process and service optimisation were largely already available. Our client’s challenge was to transform the organisation and processes in all business areas in such a way that the technologies could be efficiently integrated and used. In order to implement the digitalisation projects efficiently and successfully, we accompanied the organisational transformation at the same time. The changes in the culture were actively accompanied by change management, thus ensuring the success of the change process.

Our approach: Anchoring digitalisation through change management

In order to successfully anchor digitalisation in the company, the project was divided into several phases.

The first step involved analysing the current situation. This was intended to create transparency about the initial situation and define the next steps. A digital strategy with initial measures was developed in close collaboration with our client.

The second step was a “ramp-up phase”, which created the conditions for the successful development of a digital area. Together with our client, we carried out several pilot projects, for example on e-learning and digital order entry. AXXCON supported these with a clear strategy, roadmaps and best practices and accompanied the implementation hands-on by taking over the programme and change management. This approach made it possible to restructure a line organisation into a project organisation that focused on structured problem solving and created the necessary framework conditions by introducing methods, tools and processes as well as training and coaching selected managers and employees.

At the end of this phase, several processes were automated, new processes were introduced and technologies were utilised. Through active change management in all organisational areas in collaboration with our Organisational Transformation team, the digital changes were firmly anchored in the company. Employees also gained the necessary experience and skills to be able to utilise these changes efficiently.

In the third phase, the project approach was deepened and previous initiatives were expanded and anchored. The aim was to make the achievements from the previous phase sustainable and independently usable. This was made possible by Smart PMO, a deepening of change management and the further development of the project portfolio.

The result: A new level of digitalisation maturity

Our client’s organisation reached a new level of digitalisation maturity and is now using digitalised processes. Keeping pace in an ever faster changing world of digitalisation was made possible in the long term by the new experience with change processes, sustainable project management tools and trained specialists. The digital strategy we created, supported by the digital agenda, laid the foundation for further digitalisation.

Our conclusion

By anchoring the internal digital organisation, the acquired knowledge of project management and the developed digital strategy, the company can now independently drive forward digitalisation projects and strive for an ever-increasing level of digitalisation maturity.

Find out more about organisational and digital transformation at AXXCON.